Tonight for Family Home Evening, I already new what I wanted to do, but when it was time I felt I should do something else. So, I trusted that feeling, we made card's for mommy and daddy. I chose the topic What would Christ want us to do...., talked about what Jesus would what us to do while mommy and daddy were away, how could we help, and how much they were loved...they really gave some great answer's. Wanted to give them a chance to talk about how they felt and what they thought. When finished, Jack Jack came to me and said, ** I really liked making card's for mommy and daddy **. Glad I trusted that feeling. Of, course Pa had treat's and he had already gone to bed, and I did not know what he had it was a surprise. I explained this and they to my surprise where ok with waiting to get the treat tomorrow. I really love Rosie's picture, you can tell she is sure hard at work. I hope these are thing's that are good for family home evening, I am trying my very best. Next week, is Ellen's turn for the lesson. She sure is doing a great job with the song's, she know's them all very well. Jack Jack said the prayer and it really touched my heart.........
It's been to long
9 years ago